this page was a special collaboration between myself and thirteen different artists who volunteered to contribute!

the artists in order are as follows:

  1. jakewantscake (me)
  2. superstefanmaker (twitter)
  3. temwatchegg
  4. el chavo
  5. sastertoal
  6. persfoe
  7. dirofs (instagram) (twitter)
  8. woosheranon
  9. primalshane (youtube)
  10. pershon
  11. nightcord
  12. (anonymous)
  13. meekzoo
  14. tophattoken (youtube)
  15. me again
  16. me a third time
  17. take a wild guess
  18. yes it was me also hi

if you were an artist for this project or you know one of them and feel like you or they didn't get the proper amount of credit, please contact me (discord is jakewantscake5060) and i will do my best to fix the issue!